Curriculum Progression Grids
Early Years
The children begin their learning journey in Early Years. Please click on the image to see the children's journey through the Early Learning curriculum. The children then build on this throughout Key Stage 1. (More details below.)
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
At KS1 all children follow the National Curriculum and are taught the following subjects.
Please click on the picture for the Intent, impact and implementation statements and progression grids for each subject.
English Mathematics Science Computing History Geography Music Art Physical Education
Design Technology (including Food Technology) Personal Social Health Education and Citizenship (P.S.H.E & C)
Progression grid Building blocks
In our school, Religious Education is a part of a broad and balanced curriculum. All pupils receive RE in accordance with the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. We expect all pupils to experience the full breadth of our curriculum, but should parents or carers wish to exercise the right of withdrawal for all or part of RE, they should consult the Head teacher.